It’s been some time since I last posted…lots of personal stuff going on. I’ll try and keep it short and sweet…
My family went through a great deal beginning in June 2013 when my brother and sister-in-law both realized they had a “problem” and needed to make some MAJOR changes. They separated and my brother moved out and finally sought help for his “problem”. However, my sister-in-law was still in denial and I was asked to step in and take custody of my then 2 yr old nephew. While it’s difficult scheduling my time around my special needs adult, suddenly having a 2 yr again made things quite interesting. He had been in a really crappy situation and it took him a while to adjust but we quickly made him feel safe and comfortable and he began to relax.Flash forward to now…My brother is doing great and is literally starting over. He’s got a new job and is looking for a place to call his own and begin to be a Daddy again. His two oldest kids are also doing great and the little guy is in Pre-School and, well, growing like a weed! Unfortunately, my sister-in-law did not do as well and passed away last June. We miss her very much and while my nephew and daughter are unaware of her passing for the time being, everything seems to finally be coming together! (The reason they are unaware is because he really didn’t have a memory of her and my daughter’s special needs created a situation where we felt we could tell my nephew when he started asking about his Mom or was older and better able to process the information.)So, in the midst of all this, I still have a business to run. Trying to figure out how to do business in my home office while a little one needs me for well, everything, has been interesting as well. Reorganizing, rescheduling, revamping, and rebuilding…well you get the picture. While working with my clients and resolving their needs, I decided it was time to rework my own business and website. On that note…please be patient with me while I get through the redesign of my website…I can’t wait to share it with you and hope to have it completed by the end of April!So…Stay Tuned!Sherri